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Advice about a girl i like

Posted: Fri May 09, 2008 8:41 pm
by adminpeter
ok I have liked this girl all through grade 9-12 than in grade 12 i finally asked her out to movie and she said yes but it was at the end of the year and after the movie we kinda never said we should do this again or anything and i tried phoning her 3 times but she wasn’t home so I’ve waited 3 weeks now cuz we just graduated and don’t go to school together anymore but I still wanna ask her out again and I’m just wondering how I should do it, if i should visit her at her work (restaurant) she's waitress, or phone her or something, i also want to know a good place to take her that’s a better place than a movie and if there’s anything funny I can say to start up a conversation cuz I’m not good at starting conversations but once I get going i can do well. Thanks for any advice.

Re: Advice about a girl i like

Posted: Sat May 10, 2008 7:55 pm
by daviddavid
I just read this very cool book called the love stories, by Roy Valentine. I learned more about picking up girls with this book than in all my years of dating. I wish I had the book when I was in college. I really recommend this book for guys looking to get hooked up. It’s free in .pdf format.

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:47 pm
by jef.martin
IF you like her take it slow because if she doesn't like you you will be heart broken if she is sweet put the note in her locker but if she is a prissy popular girl you will maybe get laugh at ,get one of your friends to ask if she likes you.

Dating Advice

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:23 pm
by eLewis
I think you make a move now or its too late. It would be best to study first more about her or know her likes and dislikes to know what or how to do. Maybe you should read books for picking up girls.
employment records

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:23 pm
by Blonk
Carpe diem