Is this for real?

Discussion of Thai-Western relationships and the book, "Thailand Fever."
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Is this for real?

Post by OldDog » Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:41 pm

I recently went to Thailand on a business trip. The customers' office is in Pattaya. The motel they booked me into was just a few paces from Walking Street.

Having never entered inside a go go bar in all of my 61 years, I decided to take a stroll along walking street, more as a curiosity than anything else.

It was on the third night that I decided to take one more stroll and was enticed inside one of the bars by some of the pretty young ladies standing outside.

I am married (though not totally happy and we have discussed a divorce) so the idea of doing anything more than having a curios look was not me intention.

Two girls caught my ey and gave me the big Thai smiles and my heart did beat a little faster and I was made aware that I still had blood flowing through my veins.

After a couple of drinks (for myself the 2 girls the mumsan? and a couple of other friendlies, they noticed I was wearing my wedding ring and asked if I was married. I said yes and that sex with any of the girls was out of the question, however I ashed if one of them would be willing to give me a guided tour of the area including the bars and also the greater area of Pattaya. A short time later I had paid the bar fine and chosen as my tour guide the one with the biggest smile who also happened to be the one with the most clothes on.

She changed, took my arm and we toured walking street and went into a few bars. I must admit that to me it did not feel like an evil place that some portray it as. Everyone I met was friendly and clean (although a but short on money to buy clothes) :0

Here I was walking arm in arm with a bar girl and she made me feel totally at ease. We had dinner ant then went back to the bar. It was at this stage that it dawned on me that I had actually paid the bar fine for both girls and the second girl took my arm and the three of us walked out.

Although (as I expect most honest men would admit) I have at times had fantasies about a threesome, this was not my intention this night. I spoke to the first girl, lets call he Sue and explained that I had not intended to bar fine both of them and what should I do.

After a few moments, the second girl gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek, pocketed the 1,000 tbI gave her and walked away with a smile on her face for a night off.

Sue and I enjoyed each others company and decided to continue the tour the next night. This time she took me to one of the local discos. More drinks more friends and I paid all. (I am learning that this is honorable) although in my home country at least the guys in the group would share the cost of the drinks.

Night 3 a tour of a couple more bars, a nice dinner and a walk hand in hand along the beach.

I was so totally relaxed with her that I found it difficult to believe. Walking hand in hand with a bar girl but I did not see her as a bar girl but a totally relaxed and caring person.

On the weekend we went to a cultural festival and watched elephants playing soccer, basket ball, ten pin bowling and painting. Again totally relaxed and she was getting rather affectionate with the holding hands and the occasional cuddle up close with head rested on my shoulder.

That week I paid her bar fine all 7 nights and we spent all day Friday Saturday and Sunday together.

And yes, there were some gifts purchased and a lot of drinks, and I even paid the bar fine for a couple of her friends so they could join us at the disco. And here I must say they were all very nice girls.

For the total week it was a lot of tb spent but when converted back to local currency I have spent a lot more in a week taking a coastal holiday than I spent on Sue and her friends that week.

So time to depart. I need to fly to a neighboring country for the week.

By this time things had progressed a lot further than I had ever intended and gone well beyond the friendly peck on the cheek. (although still no sex and not because we didn't want. Just because we had already set the ground rules)

I asked if she would like me to try and make it bake to Thailand the following weekend and her eyes lit up with a big smile.

So now I find myself buying a ticket back to Thailand for the weekend especially to see Sue. There was no other excuse I could find. I just had to admit that here I was a married man with strong feeling for this bar girl. And no at this stage there was no sex involved although the subject had been discussed and she said it was acceptable by her for me to have a wife in my home country and she would be happy to share me.

The weekend..... things hotted up.
There was a T shirt that I had bought her the previous week that said something like "Like = 1,000,000 tb Love = 1 tb"

I discussed this with her and suggested that any girl on walking street would probably "like" me for the amount I had spent on her and the friends over the last week and a bit. I said you obviously "like" me but would you ever "love" me. Her reply caught me a little by surprise. "I already do. Too much"

Could this be possible?
Could it really be true love?
I feel more relaxed with Sue than I have ever been with any woman before. She has told her mum about me and wants me to meet her.

That will possibly happen next time I go back to Thailand in a couple of weeks.

I am not sure what the final outcome will be, and I have several friends giving me their thoughts on what will/should/might happen and I no that all of what they say both good and bad may be possible.
I think, regardless of what happens, she has changed my life forever. When I go back to my home country, I think the discussions regarding a divorce will escalate to the next step. Although Sue has said that she is happy to share me and that she does not want to be the cause of a divorce, the western culture and my upbringing does not see it that way.

I would rather finalize a decision re the divorce before getting involved but this Thai lady has me at a fever pitch.

I have not read the book yet and arrived at this forum as a result of an on line search for the book which was recommended by a friend who has a Thai partner.

I will be browsing every book shop I pass till I find it.

Reading some of the other posts, there seems to be more doom and gloom stores than "happily ever after" ones.

Anyone got any comments to add to the advice that I am already getting from my friends that know?

Could this be real Love or just some sort of fever that I will recover from?

Can this Old Dog learn new tricks and be happy in a strange new culture?

By the way, for those who are wondering, I am old enough to be her father and her mother is several years younger than I am, but Sue insists that this is not a problem not a problem not a problem. In my home country and culture it WOULD be a problem, at least as far as one of my older sisters are concerned. The meet-my-western-family may be out of the question... at least for a while... and my kids have stated that if we do divorce that please nobody younger than them... ouch on that point.

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:25 am

Thai woman - amazing

Post by znutar » Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:30 am

I was reading your story. I don't know what to tell you about this but you live only once and if she makes you feel good, then enjoy maximum wherever it may lead to you.

I have met recently a Thai woman (she is 35) and I fell in love with.
She was married before so do I...

I would suggest to visit an astrolog and do a synastry of both of you... you'll quickly know what kind of relationship you will go through. That might be helpful.

Cheers and good luck. Enjoy LOVE it's the only thing down earth !
More than sex and money ! So if you feel like it there is no better thing!

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