Having recently launched my own guide book (Thailand4Kids - A Guide to a Family Holiday in Thailand) I know exactly how hard you have worked putting this together.
I slogged away on my guide for almost two years in which time I had to find, buy and learn how to use all the necessary software, do research, check research and generally act as writer/editor/photographer/graphic artist/publisher/publicity agent and webmaster.
It is a huge undertaking and I wish you the very best of luck.
I would suggest you consider making your book available as an eBook, its secure, cheap and very easy if you have basic computer skills.
Best of all it makes your book available world wide and cuts out printing costs.
If you need any help with that visit Thailand4Kids and send me a message via the 'Contact Us" button, I'd be more than happy to give you a few (FREE) pointers - not an offer anyone gave me!
With regards and again, the very best of luck.